Born in the 60’s

Born in the 60’s

As a child of the 60’s born on the west coast of Denmark, it was not written in the stars that I should become an operasinger.

My parents owned a butcher shop and hoped that I would become a priest – but I followed my dreams.

My first vocal coach, Hugo Sieben, said that being an opera singer is like being a boxer: you have to be prepared to be knocked down and get back up, over and over again.

He was so right, but I would do it all again.


My first concert

My first concert

This picture might have been taken after my first concert.

It would seem to be from the beginning of the 80’s, as I still have a mop of beautiful Tommy Seebach curls.


Summer of 88

In the summer of 1988, I sang Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar at Varde Sommerspil.

It was my first experience as a singer/actor on a real stage. Around 20,000 people saw the show over its two-week run.

Luckily, I didn’t realise how difficult this dream role was, I just did it – and had a great success.

Photographs by Uffe Bølling


Die Zauberflöte, Tamino

Die Zauberflöte, Tamino

I became a member of the soloist ensemble at The Royal Opera in Copenhagen in 1995.

One of my first leading roles was as Tamino in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte. I sang the part many times over the next 10 years. In 2003, the production was televised by the Danish national broadcasting agency.

Here I am with Palle Knudsen as Papageno

Photograph by Mydtskov


David McVicar

David McVicar

In 2004, I worked with world-famous director David McVicar, when he staged Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito at the Royal Opera in Copenhagen.

Working with him was a turning point in my career. He taught me everything I know about being present on stage, and gave me so much love and confidence. I owe him so much and am very thankful that I met him.

Here I am in our kitchen with the poster from the production.


Peter Konwitschny

In 2009, I worked with another of my favourite directors, Peter Konwitschny.

I sang every tenor’s dream role: Lenski in Tchaikowsky’s Eugen Onegin.

His production was wonderful. I especially loved his staging of the Polonaise at the beginning of the third act, where Onegin does a kind of dance macabre with Lenski’s dead body.

Picture 1 (from left): Trine Bastrup Møller, Elisabeth Halling, me, Ylva Kihlberg and Johanne Bock.

Picture 2: With Auden Iversen as Onegin.

Photographs by Morten Abrahamsen


Macbeth, Macduff

I have only done a few Italian lyric tenor parts. One of them is Macduff in Verdi’s Macbeth.

The part is not big, but Macduff’s aria: Ah, la paterna mano, where he is determined to avenge the deaths of his wife and children at the hands of Macbeth, is so emotional and beautiful and I loved to create this scene of sorrow and grief.

Photographs by Miklos Szabo


The Devils of Loudun, Father Mignon

The Devils of Loudun, Father Mignon

The fabulous Keith Warner directed Penderecki’s opera The Devils of Loudun in 2013 at the Royal
Opera in Copenhagen.

Here I did another weird character, Father Mignon; an even oppressive, horny, Catholic monk.

Photograph by Morten Abrahamsen


Der Freischütz, Max

I had a great time singing Max in Der Freischütz at The Royal Opera in 2015. Here I am together with the wonderful German bass-baritone Oliver Zwarg.

Max’s aria had been following me since I studied it at conservatory, and at last I had a chance to sing it on stage in Kasper Holten’s terrific staging.

Photograph by Morten Abrahamsen


Herodes, Salome

Herodes, Salome

Herodes in Salome is part that demands a certain age and experience.

I sang the part in Stefan Herheim’s great production of the opera. It was one of the most difficult parts I have ever learned, but my God, it was fun!

Pictured here with Gisela Stille as Salome. (2018)

Photograph by Erik Berg


Mahagonny, Jimmy

One of my most significant experiences on stage was singing Jimmy Mahoney in Kurt Weill’s opera Mahagonny, staged by legendary director Graham Vick in the 2016-2017 season.

The production involved a number of supernumeraries, cast with refugees applying for asylum in Denmark. Some of them are still in Denmark, but others had to leave, some even between one performance and another. It was a very emotional chapter in my career, but a deeply enriching one as well.

Photographs by Thomas Petri


Lulu by Kunzen

And here I am transformed into a kind of dwarf and hunchback. I had so much fun playing the part of Barca in Kuhlau’s opera Lulu. Christian von Götz directed this wonderful production on the Old Stage in Copenhagen in 2018.

Here I am with the Swedish bass Henning von Schulman, who, despite playing the part of my father in the opera, is 20 years younger than me.

Photographs by Camilla Winther, Miklos Szabo, Zarko Ivetic